April 14, 2010
Dear Aidyn-
You're sitting on the couch, watching Jack's Big Music Show and eating honeycombs and milk. I'm sitting on the bed writing to you... You have been crazy lately. c . r . a . z . y . Seriously. You must be getting into the "terrible 2s" about 6mos early. You said the word "mine" for the first time yesterday. I'm trying to nip that in the bud...
Some things about you right now: You are a maniac for the swing. You love Logan from next door- and ask for him every time we leave/come home. You've been asking for "zu-zan" and Morgan lately too- we went for a night to visit Nina and Papa on vacation and we saw all your cousins there. On the hour drive home you went through the repertoire of their names- "max, owen, zu-zan, wyatt, morgan" over and over... and popped the paci (very loudly) in and out of your mouth. If you ever watch the movie "Shrek"- I was the ogre and you were "donkey" on the ride home. Ha!
You can also count to 6. Although sometimes you skip #2, you point to your fingers and count... wun, too, twee, foe, fye, sicks! It's amazing- I don't know you can do these things and then one day, you just do it. Out of the blue- you just counted by yourself sitting in my bathroom. You won't do it when I ask though! Goofy, smart kid. We also found out that you LOVE ranch dressing. (Honey mustard dressing too). You dipped everything in it at dinner the other night- your cheetos and grapes... everything. Ew!
My favorite thing as of lately: You HAVE to give baby Grae "tisses" before bed... and you want to "hode-eeeum" all the time. (hold him) It makes me smile so much... I love you.
Well my love, I'm going to go pay attention to you... Jack is going to be over in a minute and we need to get ready to head out after lunch! We're going to get a slushie at Jean's today- first time this year! You won't remember from last year, I'm sure, but you sure loved them last summer! Can't beat a $1 slushie. Yum.
Love you, Sweet Pea.
You're my girl.
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