May 11, 2010

  • Dear Aidyn-

              It’s been a while since I’ve had time to write… this note may be a little short since I almost peeled my left middle finger nail halfway off last night… peeling an apple for you!  It still hurts… I’m such a clutz.  You got that gene too- sadly!  I think you ran into the corner of the table 15 times in a span of about 3 hours.  I give a lot of “tisses” to random body parts- but mostly to your head!  Goodness.
              A lot of things have happened lately- you went to your first movie last month.  Alvin and the Chipmunks- The Squeakuel. We went with Shanna and Cooper- you did really well until about the last 30 minutes.  You were so tired and started fussing just a little bit.  I took lots of pictures- you got your own bag of popcorn and when the movie lights went down you gasped- “darrrrrk”  “tv?” …then the loud intro started- you dropped your popcorn and clung to the armrests for dear life.  It looked like you were getting ready to take off… I wish I’d had the video camera! It was hilarious… Cooper turned sideways and hugged the chair- so funny!
              You are talking so much more now- In the last few days you’ve started speaking in sentences a lot- I would say about 50% of the time you speak, you string 3 or 4 words together.  I can hardly believe it- I’m excited to have actual conversations with you.  I don’t think it will be long before I can!  At your 18 month checkup last month you weighed 23lbs (34th %) and were 33.3 inches tall (88th%).  You have the build of a ballerina… and you certainly love to spin… but your biggest love is CHOCOLATE. 
              Goodness. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone love chocolate like you do.  Your eyes get a little sparkle and you do this HUGE open mouthed smile whenever you think you’ll get some.  It’s adorable.  Most of the time, anyway.  About a week ago I was changing your diaper (a particularly squishy one.  took 5 wipes. ew. ) and you looked down and got that twinkle… ” chockkkk-wit!!!”  “AHHHH no no n ono no no!!! That’s not chocolate!!!”  Not so adorable at that moment. Thankfully your hands didn’t actually get far enough south to get the grossness on you.  Ergo- I’ve decided we’re going to do a chocolate birthday party for you this year.  Chocolate milk, cake, cookies, m&m’s… you get the idea.  I think you will be SO excited.  That’s one of your new favorite words now- “cited”. I love seeing you say that word… almost as much as “chock-wit”.  Haha!
             We drove down to visit Melanie on Saturday- I’ve pretty much decided I can’t take both you and Grae anywhere longer than 30 minutes by myself anymore.  I don’t know that I would survive!  On the way from Melanie’s to Nina’s, Grae woke up and started screaming to eat.  You saw fit to scream ,”CUH-RYY-IN” over and over and OVER.  For 45 minutes.  Every time he’d fuss even the littlest bit- “cryyyyyyy-in!!!”  I got stressed out for about the first 30 minutes… then just turned the radio up.  I could still see you in the rear-view mirror shouting. “Cuhhhh-RYYYY-in!”   As if I didn’t know.  I couldn’t stop laughing after that…
              I am going to register you for our church’s ELC (Early Learning Center) tomorrow morning.  You’ll go 3 days a week starting this fall from about 8am-12pm.  It will be good for you (and me!) especially since I will be going back to work shortly.  I’ll have a set schedule working just Sunday nights.  I won’t even have to miss you on Monday mornings while you’re gone ’cause I’ll be sleeping.  You’re sleeping really well in your “big girl” bed too.  Most days I just ask you for a squeeze and a kiss before I put you down for a nap.  It usually takes you about 10-20 minutes rolling around to go to sleep, but you do it on your own!  I still rock you a couple of times a week though.  Sometimes because I want to, sometimes because you need me to… I still enjoy holding you in my arms when you’re snoring.  You’re my baby… and you always will be.
              I hope you enjoy reading these notes someday.   I love writing these memories down- as much as I hope I’ll never forget them, I know I will.  I want you to know how precious you are to me- You have such a big part of my heart and while I can’t wait to watch you grow up, it scares me.  Even now- you’re starting to call me “mom” instead of “mommy”.  I don’t think I could explain how I feel… like I’m mourning the fact that I’m losing you as my baby but rejoicing in the fact that you’re growing and changing so beautifully.  How excited I am to see you grow and mature into the woman God has created you to be.  It’s going to be so hard when you think you don’t need me anymore- I know I thought that about my mom… until I became a mom.  I don’t think I’ll ever stop needing her.  I hope you always want me to be a part of your life.  But I hope more than anything that you grow up to be an independent and strong woman- completely rooted in the love of Jesus…  and in mine.  Neither one will ever change.


    well… so much for being short!!

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