June 8, 2010
My love,
I tried to cut your hair last night. You turned your head at the perfectly wrong moment... it didn't end up well. Your skin is intact but your hair is so sad looking. I'm so, so sorry. I promise if I ever try again I'll have help. You thought it was great though- you got to look in the mirror and kept saying "so pretty" hahah!
You're taking a killer nap right now... been asleep over 2.5hrs. You and G switched today- HE's normally the one who sleeps like a champ for naps. Neither one of you feels good today- He has diarrhea and you have fever. It's been a hard day to say in the least. I wish I could tell you how much I feel like crying. I'm trying so hard to just be positive... but when both of you are crying and hurting and there's nothing I can do about it- I feel so helpless. I wish I could just make it better... crawl into bed with both of you and let you fall asleep in my arms. I wish, I wish, I wish.
You're my precious baby girl.
You're so hard to raise... so stubborn... so beautiful... so close to my heart.I love you.
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