Month: July 2010

  • Dear Aidyn-

    Baby girl... you drive me up the wall insane.  I love you more than words could ever say.... but goodness.  Even when you're sleeping you're making noise!! You snore louder than any other kid I have ever known.  You are completely conversational now- I would say almost fluent in English.  However, when you've run out of intelligible things to say, you resort to "blah blah blahing" (literally) until you think of something else to say.  I never realized how much I treasure some silence until you hit this phase... You've also decided to be pretty whiny lately.  You make the MOST ridiculous face... this open mouthed frown- and make a horrid, horrid "maaaaaahhhhh" noise.  Noise. Noise- that's your new favorite thing!

    On the flip side, you've also been much more loving lately.  You want to "hold mommy" - my hand, my hair, my face.... you offer kisses without any prompting- you want to snuggle a lot.  I love rocking you and singing to you- you ask for the "Wake Song"- it's actually "Stay Awake" from Mary Poppins. I've been singing that to you since you were inside me.

    You've finally cut all of your canines- they're fully in!  The only ones you have left to get are your 2 year molars, thank heavens! You've been very healthy lately too.  Only 1 ear infection since September when you had tubes placed.  I imagine they will have to come out soon- hopefully you'll continue this "well" trend even then, especially since it looks like G will be the next one for tubes. He's on his 2nd ear infection in his 4mos of life. Poor kid... you can blame your daddy for that one.  He's the one who had 3 sets of tubes as a kid... not me! If you end up needing glasses... I'll take the blame for that one. :)

    I love you so, so much.

    You're out playing at JJ's house while I rest a bit before work.
    ...and even though you make me crazy, I miss you.  Lots.

    You're my heart, Aidyn Lane.
    I'm so grateful that God gave you to me.... you're such a blessing.

    Lots of love,
