Month: August 2010

  • Home sweet home.

    I turned 25 years old on Saturday.  Can you believe it? I can't really... I'm 1/4 century old.  Woah.  I kinda feel like I should run out, buy a motorcycle and (somehow) strap 2 carseats onto it.  (not really... but you get the idea.) I feel old.

    We went to the beach for my birthday- we told you ALL day friday that we were "going to the beach". You were very excited, to say in the least.  For the entire 2.5hr drive down, you shouted, "We goin to da beeeeech!!" Very loudly, I might add.  We got to great-uncle Jeff's beach house around 9pm.  You guys were SO exhausted.  I gave you a quick bath while daddy unloaded your pack'n'plays.  You both slept very well- we started the morning around 8am.  Daddy took you to get Bojangle's bo-berry biscuits (cause that's what mommy wanted for birthday breakfast) :) and Grae and I stayed behind to pack up our stuff for "DA BEECH!" haha!

    We all ate breakfast and headed down to the water around 9:30.  You were already lathered up with sunscreen and lookin' mighty  cute in your bathing suit. ;)  I got out the video camera and recorded you walking with me down to the water- still very excited at this point.  We walked, you talked, "It's da beech, mom-mee. I see da water.  And da sand..." Then, much to your surprise, a wave started creeping pretty close to your feet.  You turned, point blank, and ran screaming as fast as your little legs could carry you back to Daddy.  Your poor hat was left behind blowing on the sand... of course, the video camera said "insufficient space" as soon as you turned to run, so we don't have video proof.  I will never forget it though. Daddy said as soon as you got back under the umbrella you said, "I don't like da beech, daddy." HA!  We found another family with an 18month old girl- her name was Jaycee.  Her family dug out a pool in the sand for her- you were pretty content to play in the water there... as long as the mean waves couldn't get to you. Goof. 

    We ate some sandy sandwiches and then headed back to the house for afternoon naps.  You woke up and told us that "I had sweet dreams".  We got dressed and headed out to Broadway at the Beach- we walked around, rode the carousel and ate at Johnny Rockets.  You got a new hat which you refused to wear any way but backwards.  I got some new sunglasses.  We had a really good time just walking around together.

    Sunday morning we skipped church and went to Ripley's Aquarium.  Again, you were very excited to see "da fishees".  You got to touch a horseshoe crab and a stingray.  We saw a diver feed all the fish in a huge tank and rode the conveyer belt through a huge, underwater tunnel.  We ate lunch at Hard Rock Cafe before we hopped in the car to head home.  Horrible traffic made the 2.5hr drive into almost 4... you woke up super early from your nap but we got back to Nina's house around 4pm.  Daddy and I played a game of pool volleyball and you watched, shouting, "Good job mommy, good job daddy"... when I prompted you to, anyway.

    We got back in the car and finished the last leg of the trip- putting us home around 7pm.  We ate some quick supper and put you and Grae to bed.  I love vacation... but man, oh man- it is SO good to be home!

    I love you, baby girl. 
    You make me laugh so much-

    A few weeks ago, Snoopy really needed a bath.  He was STINKY and his hair was matted some.  You asked if he could come inside- I responded, "No way- he's stinky! Shoo-wee". You laughed HISTARICALLY and exclaimed, "no he's not!!!" I said, "Oh yes he is! Shoo!"  To which you laughed, "Snoopy needs a diaper change!!" haha!

    You are really growing up so fast.  I bought most of the party supplies online today- I can hardly believe your 2nd birthday is next month!  We're doing a chocolate theme, if I haven't written that before.  I am getting a lot of valentine's things- since your invitation has 2 red hearts in the middle of LOTS of chocolates. I had my debit card out this morning to pay for the PartyCity stuff- when I told you what I was getting, you shouted, "I wanna pay for it! Lets go, Mommy- let's go to da day-party!!"   You now seem to think that my debit card is somehow magically linked to a party...

    I love you.
    I'm gonna go check on you and Grae now- it's about time for you two to wake up from your naps so we can play some more!!

    All my love,