December 15, 2010
Dear Aidyn.
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve written to you.
LIFE has been CRAZY lately. Honey, I don’t even know where to start….
YOU have turned 2 since the last time I wrote. Goodness. We had a fantastic birthday party with a few great friends and close family members. Not the big bash like last year… but still a blast! You LOVED your chocolate party. Even now, when you see the heart shaped cupcake tray or find a random sequin hidden somewhere… you say, “that’s my birthday party right THERE!” haha! You are so smart… you can count to 12, you know all your colors and you love to sing the “ABCs”. You sing all the words to a ton of songs on the radio and you know every word to the songs I sing to you every day. ”Jesus Loves Me” is your favorite. ”Stay Awake” from Mary Poppins and “Baby Mine” from Dumbo are up there on your list, though.
Your new favorite phrase is “right quick”. Example: “Mommy, I gotta go check on Grae. I’ll be back right quick, ok?” Ha! You goose… And when we ask you, “Are you ready, Freddie?” You say, “Mommy, I’m not Freddie! I’m Aidyn!!” …as if we don’t know….
Man, I love you.
As for the new things in our family:
Daddy has officially resigned his position as manager at work. He’s taking more seminary classes and taking care of you and Grae while I work full time. I haven’t been able to get a “full time ” position at work, so I started looking for a new job. God gave me an AMAZING opportunity to work with Hospice. The pay is great, the hours are MUCH better… but the thing I’m most excited about is the witnessing opportunity. I am so excited to tell these people (and their families!) who don’t have hope for physical things that there is HOPE in Jesus. There is hope in knowing that He died on the cross to provide a way to spend eternity in heaven with Him. Man. I have felt like crying ever since they said they were going to hire me. I got to shadow a nurse on Sunday afternoon for about 7 hours and I should be starting to work full time with Hospice after the first week of January.
We also got our “go ahead” from the IMB- more than likely, we will be commissioned as full time missionaries in September 2011!! What a cool 3rd birthday present for you, baby girl!! Ever since Mr. Ken called us to tell us the good news (and after my extreme excitement), every time we get ready to go somehwere, you ask, “Mommy, where are we going? Are we going to be a missionary?!?!?!” I love being able to tell you “Yes!”. Even though we aren’t full time missionaries with the IMB now, we are still missionaries. We get to tell people about Jesus wherever we go.
My love, I know I have a TON left to tell you… but I am about to wash up after a very, very long night at work. I’m working 61 hours this week and I am exhausted.
Gonna go write a quick note to G and then hit the sack. You’re spending the day with “Beboo” aka Aunt Brenda and then I will see you when you get home.
The last thing you said to me before you left in daddy’s truck this morning was, “I love you, Mommy!!” .Well.
I love you, Aidyn. More than you will ever know.Love,
mommy :)
PS. I can hardly believe Christmas is NEXT WEEK!!! We are gonna have such a blast this year with you…. and Grae too!!! YAY!! Happy birthday, Jesus!