Hey baby girl.
Since June, we have had even more changes. It seems like change is constant in our lives..l and you have taken it all in stride. In August, we took an amazing vacation to Switzerland and France! We hiked in the Swiss alps and you fell asleep after a picnic lunch in Daddy’s lap. Sometimes I look at you and remember… You are barely out of the toddler age. You seem so grown up sometimes… The things you understand, how you react in situations… Your amazing vocabulary. Sometimes it is really easy to forget you’re just barely a pre-schooler.
In September, we got ready to take you to school. Oh, what heartbreak… I think I was wayyy more nervous about it than you were. Actually, I know I was… because all you could talk about was being excited!! I on the other hand, wanted to cry most of the time…. We watched a Dora episode about world friendship day and you promptly requested matching “pulseras de amistad” ;) Of course I obliged. Ended up that G and daddy each got one too. I have been drawing you notes every day to go with your snack at school. It’s SO cute to see how excited you get about what I’ll draw next… sometimes you even make requests. Every time, you always request that you and I are doing something together… going to the park, playing dress up, drawing, going to the pool.. you get the idea. I think Daddy is a little jealous sometimes. He always asks me to draw him in the pictures too…
We celebrated your 4th birthday on your actual birthday… it was a Sunday this year and we had a TON of people over to celebrate with us on the patio under our apartment. You wanted a Dora the Explorer party… so that is what you got! Our landlords even gave you a gift of helium and big character balloons!! I made mini-mochillas and did a pretend Dora game where Swiper swiped your piñata! You had so much fun. You kept saying all night… “this was the best birthday party EVER!” Haha!!
You got invited to 2 birthday parties within the first week of school. After Kristina’s party, (our neighbor- she’s in your class!) we were walking home together. You were quiet, which is very uncommon… and the you said, “I don’t think I’ll be good at it.” Me: “You don’t think you’ll be good at what??” You: “At getting older… I don’t think I’ll be good at being a grown up.” You went on to talk about all the things you see me do that you can’t do yet… like cook, paint fingernails… etc… so I had to reassure you that when you DO grow up, you’ll be able to do those things just like I can. I’m not too sure if you believed me. I just picked you up and snuggled you the rest of the way home. I’m not so sure I want you to grow up…
The funniest thing that has happened recently is that last night, during bath time, G pooped in the bathtub. You were in there. Some of it got on you. You promptly got out of the bathtub and threw up on a towel on the floor. Poor baby… Daddy gave you a shower while I scrubbed out the tub… then I got you dressed. You know what you said to me? Un-prompted?? “Mommy, I’m so sorry I threw up on your towel…” HA! I told you, “don’t worry about it baby, I probably would have thrown up too if G pooped on me.” You broke into this HUGE smile and hugged me so tight. Then you asked for a kiss. Bless your heart… I told you no. I wanted to brush your teeth first… then I gave you tons of non-vomity kisses. :)
Every night, you ask me to sing Butterfly Kisses to you and scratch your back. Through your PJs isn’t good enough- it has to be on skin. Sometimes you even start to fall asleep, I think… but you always wake up enough to give me a tight squeeze and kiss before I leave your room. You’re my precious girl, Aidyn. The other day, I even caught you (and videoed a little!) singing Butterfly Kisses while you were drawing another picture for me. You draw me pictures every day.
I know you love me.
Somedays I really feel like I don’t deserve it….
But oh man, I’m so grateful that you love me.
I want to be a better mom to you, baby girl.
Every day, I want to be a better mom to you.
I love you more than you can ever know…
– mommy
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